Remembrance Day at Midleton College: Honouring the Past

Remembrance Day at Midleton College: Honouring the Past

Yesterday, the Midleton College community came together on the front steps for a poignant and reflective Remembrance Day ceremony. This annual event is a somber yet significant tradition within the school, as students, staff, and faculty pause to remember those from the school who were lost during the Great War.

The ceremony included:

  • A reading of the names of the fallen, forever etched in the school’s history
  • A moment of silence, allowing those present to reflect on the sacrifices made and the profound impact of war
  • Prayers & Poems that connected the past with the present, and underscored the importance of memory, empathy, and peace

The event serves as a powerful reminder of the tragic cost of conflict and the enduring importance of remembrance. It’s a chance to educate the current generation about the events that shaped our world and to instill a sense of responsibility for ensuring that the lessons of history are not forgotten.

In a world that continues to face divisions and struggles, the values upheld by Remembrance Day – compassion, understanding, and a commitment to peace – remain as relevant as ever.

The Midleton College community’s respectful observance of Remembrance Day is a tribute not only to those who lost their lives but also to the enduring human spirit that seeks connection, healing, and hope even in the darkest of times.

May we all take a moment to reflect on the meaning of this day and carry its lessons with us as we move forward. 🌺