Career Guidance

Mildleton College Guidance Counselling

 Guidance & Counselling at Midleton College has at its core, respect for the individual and an holistic approach to the personal development, educational support and wellbeing, of each student. This is viewed as a process which begins in Form I and continues right through to Form VI. 


Guidance refers to a range of learning experiences provided in an age appropriate sequence thus enabling students to make decisions, from subject choice right through to college courses and future careers. The Guidance programme can be sub-divided into four distinct but interlinked categories:

  • Personal and Social Guidance & Counselling
  • Educational Guidance & Counselling
  • Vocational Guidance & Counselling
  • Promotion of Wellbeing within the school for all students


Counselling empowers the students to make decisions, solve problems, change behaviours and resolve issues in their lives. This may be personal counselling, educational counselling, career counselling or a combination of all three. Counselling is a key part of the school guidance programme and offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process and in times of personal crisis.